
Southwick Park Golf Club

Local Rules - from June 2019

Southwick Park Golf Club adheres to the R&A rules and to supplement this, we operate local rules for the benefit of our members.


1. OUT OF BOUNDS (Rule 18)

The boundary of the course is defined by:
• The supporting walls of the clubhouse patio, the practice putting green and
behind the 15th green
• White posts left of holes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 16 and 18 and the area behind the
7th green when viewed from the men’s tee.

2. PENALTY AREA (Rule 17)

Penalty areas are defined by red stakes.
If it is known or virtually certain that a ball that has not been found is in the
penalty area beyond the 7th green, the player may, under penalty of one
• Take relief under Rule 17.1 or as an additional option
• Drop a ball, in the dropping zone identified under the tree between the 7th
green and the 8th tee.


The following are designated as Immovable Obstructions and relief may be
taken under Rule 16.1:
• Roads and artificially covered pathways;
• All bridges (only where that part of a bridge is outside a penalty area)
• Winter tee boxes, benches, steps, tee posts, hole signage, sprinkler heads
and drainage man hole covers.

4. STAKED TREES (Rule 16.1f)

Staked trees are no play zones. If a player’s ball touches such a tree or such
a tree interferes with the player’s stance or area of intended swing, the player
must take relief under Rule 16.1f.


Ground under repair is marked with continuous white lines.
If a payer’s ball lies on or touches new drainage works on fairways the player
may take free relief under Rule 16.1b, But interference does not exist if the
drainage works only interfere with the player’s stance.


General Penalty under Rule 14.7a.

If a payer’s ball lies on or touches new drainage works on fairways the player may take free relief under Rule 16.1b , BUT unless specified by a temporary local rule, interference does not exist if the drainage works only interfere with the player’s stance.

Temporary Local Rules

6.  Preferred Lies (E3)

When a player's ball lies in a part of the general area cut to fairway height or less, the player may take free relief once by placing the original ball or another ball in and playing it from within 6 inches of the spot of the original ball within the generalarea and not nearer the hole.

In proceeding under this Local Rule, the player must choose a spot to place the ball and use the procedures for replacing a ball under Rules 14.2b (2) and 14.2e .

Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty under  Rule 14.7a .

7.  Aeration Holes (E4)

If a player’s ball lies in or touches an aeration hole:

  • In the General Area. The player may take relief under Rule 16.1b . If the ball comes to rest in another aeration hole the player may take relief again under this Local Rule.
  • On a Putting Green. The player may take relief under Rule 16.1d

However, interference does not exist if the aeration hole only interferes with the player’s stance, is on the putting green, or is on the player’s line of play.

Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong Place in Breach of Local Rule: General Penalty under   Rule 14.7a

8.  Temporary Greens / Wrong Green (D2)

Temporary Greens are Wrong Greens and when there is interference by a Wrong Green, free relief must be taken at the nearest point of complete relief.  The relief area is one club-length from the reference point which is not nearer to the hole than the reference point, and must be in the same area of the course where the original ball came to rest. When temporary greens are in play the main greens become wrong greens.

9.  Status of Putting Green When Temporary Putting Green Is Used

Any putting green that has been replaced by a temporary putting green is a wrong green and free relief for interference must be taken under Rule 13.1f

10.  Artificial Tee Mats

When artificial mats are in use players are to stand on and play from the mat provided.

Player Advisory Notes

  • Players are requested to play “Ready Golf” as outlined in Rule 6.4, and to maintain a prompt pace of play as required by Rule 5.6   .
  • Please rake bunkers, replace divots, and repair pitch marks.
  • 150 yard distance markers on fairways are to the middle of the green from the middle of the fairway.
  • Pin positions on the green are referenced by coloured flags: Red (Front), Yellow (Middle) and Blue (Back).

Other rules for future publication –

  • Emergency procedures for Lightning Policy / Course evacuation
  • Fog Policy

Trolley Status Definition


No restrictions on ride on buggies, electric trolleys or push pull trolleys.


No ride on buggies under any circumstances. No electric trolleys without an authorised medical exemption. Push pull trolleys allowed.


Carry bags ONLY, no push pull trolleys allowed.

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.